@Walker ChongKindly note that "Not allowed resource types" built-in policy enables you to specify the resource types that your organization cannot deploy. When creating or updating a matched resource in a Resource Manager mode, deny prevents the request before being sent to the Resource Provi...
This policy rule checks if the resource type is allowed and also checks whether the private endpoint connection proxies sub-resource exists. f. Click "Save" to create the custom policy definition. g. Assign the custom policy definition to your desired scope (subscription, managemen...
重启浏览器:点击右上角的三个点图标,选择“更多工具”,然后选择“重启浏览器”。这样设置后,Chrome浏览器将允许加载本地资源,不再报错“Not allowed to load local resource”。除了以上方法外,还有一些其他解决方法可供尝试: 使用代理服务器:将本地资源通过代理服务器进行加载,以绕过浏览器的安全限制。这种方法需要...
1. 打开tomcat服务界面 在下面选择Modules 然后选择Add Web Module 2. 选择Browse 选择你的资源目录,然后填写path 假如选择的为d盘 d盘下有一张a.png 那么你再写即可 因为是内置的tomcat所有没法想上面一样直接选择.我们可以写一个配置类 路径ResourceHandler (/image/**)跟上面tomcat/image为一个...
HTTPMethodNotAllowed The request http method is not supported for this resource. Please refer to document. 资源不支持HTTP方式的请求,请参考文档设置。 503 ServiceUnavailable The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. Please try again later. 由于服务器临时故障请求失败,请稍后重...
1<configuration>2<system.webServer>3<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">4<remove name="WebDAVModule"/>5</modules>6<handlers accessPolicy="Read, Script">7<remove name="WebDAV"/>8<add name="aspNetCore"path="*"verb="*"modules="AspNetCoreModule"resourceType="Unspecified"/>9</...
The conditional compilation expression refers to a non-intrinsic type, but only intrinsic types are allowed.For more information about the intrinsic type in Visual Basic, see Data Types Summary.Error ID: BC31426To correct this errorReplace the non-intrinsic type with an intrinsic type.See...
GovernanceRuleSourceResourceType GovernanceRuleType HttpC2DMessagesNotInAllowedRange HttpC2DRejectedMessagesNotInAllowedRange HttpD2CMessagesNotInAllowedRange HybridComputeProvisioningState HybridComputeSettingsProperties ImplementationEffort InformationProtectionAwsOfferin...
eclipse中,项目有红叉之- Resource specification not allowed here for source level below 1.7 1.报错如下: 2.原因:是因为项目的jdk版本低于了1.7,所以报错 3.解决:更换项目的jdk为1.7以上版本,项目右击->properties->Java Compiler