Here, the conventional method to calculate the ROI mean weights all voxels equally. However, this produces biased estimates in the presence of CSF partial volume. This study introduces the tissue-weighted mean, which calculates the mean NODDI metric across the tissue within an ROI, utilising the ...
The official implementation of "Not All Voxels Are Equal: Hardness-Aware Semantic Scene Completion with Self-Distillation" (CVPR 2024) - songw-zju/HASSC
in this case of an equals function (not the only one). If there are 2 functions equalsA and equalsB, both of which tell if their 2 params equal eachother (by 2-way forest shape down to cleanLeaf andOr dirtyLeaf), then equalsA and equalsB are both valid equals functions...
we remove from the tumor the sphere centered at this voxel of radius r. Since our space is made up of discrete points, and the coordinate of a voxel is taken to be the center of that voxel, this translates to removing all voxels in the tumor whose coordinates are within r mil 被选择...
The contrast was masked for gray matter only voxels. L, left; R, right; STG, superior temporal gyrus; SN, substantia nigra; VTA, ventral tegmental area; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; PCG, postcentral gyrus. Taste Intensity Perception and Preference Are ...
trueIdx = find(labelVol.Voxels==1); HUVertebra = double(DCMData.Voxels(trueIdx)); [row,col,slice] = ind2sub(size(labelVol.Voxels),trueIdx); [X2,Y2,Z2] = intrinsicToWorld(R,col,row,slice); HUVertebraMeters = [X2 Y2 Z2].*10^-3; ...
The LI [52] was calculated on unthresholded first-level analysis t-maps of the Overt and Covert contrasts using the bootstrapping method [53] with the parameters of intensity threshold = 0 (positive t-maps), sample size = 25%, maximal and minimal number of voxels = 100,000...
An identical permutation strategy was applied at all voxels, meaning that it is valid to subsequently form clusters of spatially contiguous significant voxels. 3D-clusters were generated from the voxel-based statistical maps from the group and between-group analyses. The probability of occurrence of ...
(unthresholded; activations in red show regions where the choice difficulty model has an exceedance probability greater than the foraging value model) and (d) averaged across voxels within our a priori defined ROI, comparing foraging value, choice difficulty, and a “baseline” model that simply ...
close all clear filename = fullfile("C:\Users\DELL\OneDrive\Documents\MATLAB\MedicalLabelingSession6\LabelData\8_19_2021_11_41_40_AM.nii"); labelVol = medicalVolume(filename); R = labelVol.VolumeGeometry; isovalue = 0.12; [faces,vertices] = e...