EXPLODE ALL QSAVE The above commands will explode ALL objects when executed in the AutoCAD UI, but the script will only explode one block per drawing leaving the rest of the blocks intact. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? Solved by Kent1Cooper. Go to Solut...
如果内容作为一个块输入,请选择它,在命令行中键入EXPLODE,然后按Enter键。 将布局输出到模型空间: 在图纸空间中的选项卡上单击鼠标右键,然后将布局输出到模型空间 如果内容作为一个块输入,请选择它,在命令行中键入EXPLODE,然后按Enter键 另请参见:AutoCAD论坛帖子 ...
Hi All, So normally for assignments we submit a title block in Model Space and scale to match drawings and the submit howeve for this exercise the
TXTEXP command does not explode Mtext in exact position Hi, In my code, 1. I am selecting set of Mtext 2. making a copy and place it exactly in the same location 3.then select the cloned text alone and convert it in to lines by passing 'TXTEXP' command via command method... the ...