具体步骤为找到相应的STM32固件包中的.pdsc文件(如Keil.STM32F1xx_DFP.pdsc),搜索包含“Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection”的语句,并将其注释掉(如[@1@]和[@2@]所述)。注意,直接修改库文件可能会带来不可预见的问题,因此在做此操作前请确保有备份。5. 根据错误信息进行故障排除或联系技术支持 ...
解决方法:打开下载的库函数包中的Keil.STM32F1xx_DFP.pdsc文件 Query(0,"Not a genuine ST Device!Abort connection",1);Message(2,"Not a genuine ST Device!Abort connection."); 将上述代码注释掉,即可解决问题。
解决Error: Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection 就是说检测到st公司的芯片,连接失败,但它确实给你烧了程序(虽然好像要你手动重启),所以可以忽略这个问题,但这个error有点烦,参考以下步骤去掉。 环境 单片机型号是CH32F103C8T6(不是官方的) IDE: Keil 5.35 解决方法 到相关pack的安装路径比如 E:\fold\...
亲测解决Error: Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection.&&Error:Flash dowload failed CortexM3 13 请问为什么stm32l053r8t6自动布线布不上 1678 STM32L053R8T6使用485总线时串口不能正确发送数据 2086 浅析STM32L053R8T6待机模式 741 STM32L053R8T6的IIC1->SCL引脚影响程序启动怎么解决? 186...
一、问题 下载程序的时候,突然抽风了遇到这个问题 二、解决 有人说,修改C:\Keil_v5\ARM\PACK\Keil\STM32F4xx_DFP\2.13.0\Keil.STM32F4xx_DFP.pdsc即可 // Query(0, "Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection", 1); // Message(2, "Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection."); ...
亲测解决Error: Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection.&&Error:Flash dowload failed CortexM3 2021-12-01|pdf|0.25 MB|次下载|3积分 资料介绍 这个意思是说ST设备不是正版的,连接失败,但它确实给你烧了程序,所以可以忽略这个问题,但这个error有点烦,参考以下步骤去掉。
Error: "Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection."CAUSE There is a possibility that the memory accesses for the device are not working, and thus the device is not recognized by the ULINK debug adapter. RESOLUTION Follow the below steps:...
解决方法:打开C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\Keil\STM32H7xx_DFP\2.5.0\Keil.STM32H7xx_DFP.pdsc,找到第226和第227行,注释掉下面两句话。 //Query(0, "Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection", 1); //Message(2, "Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection."); 送TA礼物 1楼2023-05-28 17:30...
Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection CAUSE Flashing aborts, as the device connected is not manufactured by STMicroelectronics. RESOLUTION Connect a device that was produced by STMicroelectronics MORE INFORMATION Refer to MDK5 Device List
CellConnectionStatus CellIdentity CellIdentity.InterfaceConsts CellIdentityCdma CellIdentityGsm CellIdentityLte CellIdentityNr CellIdentityTdscdma CellIdentityWcdma CellInfo CellInfo.InterfaceConsts CellInfoCdma CellInfoGsm CellInfoLte CellInfoNr CellInfoTdscdma CellInfoWcdma CellLocation CellSignalStrength CellSignalStreng...