android 9.0以下的版本 不会出现“File opened that is not a database file file is encrypted or is not a database”。处理方法:手动关闭WAL,强制使用JOURNAL模式。DatabaseHelper helper=DatabaseHelper.getInstance(context);db=helper.getReadableDatabase();db.disableWriteAheadLogging(); //禁用...
File opened that is not a database filefile is encrypted or is not a database 几次对照比较,知道了情况发生的时机:使用 Sqlite Admin 建立或 Sqlite Maestro 新建后访问都没有问题,但是只要在空数据库文件中添加对象(如表),再想用 程序 连接就会报告该错误。郁闷! 谁遇到过? 是不是白天我在用本本测试...
android 9.0以下的版本 不会出现“File opened that is not a database file file is encrypted or is not a database”。处理方法:手动关闭WAL,强制使用JOURNAL模式。DatabaseHelper helper=DatabaseHelper.getInstance(context);db=helper.getReadableDatabase();db.disableWriteAheadLogging(); //禁用... File opened that is not a database file file is encrypted or is not a database 在做公司的一个项目时用到了,其中就数据问题出现如题显示的问题,几经周折,终于发现了其根本问题。 不要使用第三方的sqlite管理工具去加密或解密,如:navi...
To BLOB or Not To BLOB: Large Object Storage in a Database or a Filesystem? Application designers often face the question of whether to store large objects in a filesystem or in a database. Often this decision is made for applicati......
file is not a database: , while compiling: select count(*) from sqlite_master 问题分析 从日志上来看应该是当前的文件并不是一个数据库,但是此数据库在未加密之前能够正常工作,添加了加密之后反而报错。 查询了资料之后得知,如果数据库需要加密,那么需要去重新重建数据库。原因是之前的数据库是没有加密的明...
"ABC.mdf is not a primary database file. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 5171)" Error 5171 is a common issue that many SQL Server administrators have met when they try to log in to SQL or restore the MS SQL database. This error may also happen when you can't create 'tempdb' databas...
Hello everyone, My Expo SDK version is 36.0.0 Steps to Reproduce 1- I've created a SQLite Database via DB browser for SQLite with its tables. 2- I've tried to connect to it, but for some reason it can't be seen, like this file doesn't ex...
SQLCipher for Android version: 'net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:3.5.9@aar' What I am Doing : -I am making app using Sqlite begining when i start with Sqlite cipher encrypt DB it working properly in whole app (I build tes...