9.cut off one's nose to spite one's faceto carry out a vengeful action that hurts oneself more than another 10.get up someone's noseinformalto annoy or irritate someone 11.keep one's nose cleanto stay out of trouble; behave properly ...
get up one's nose I .nose[nəʊz,Amnoʊz]RZ. 1. noseANAT.: nose nosr.m. tohavearunnynose miećkatar toblowone'snose wydmuchiwać[perfwydmuchać]nos 2. noseLOT.: nose dzióbr.m. zwroty: withone'snoseintheair
A deviated septum might be the source of your distracting drippy nose. This happens when your nasal septum — the thin wall that separates your nasal passages — is displaced to one side, which can cause swelling of the tissues that line the nose, per theMayo Clinic. "If a septum is sig...
Why is only one side of my nose runny? One side of your nose may be runny because of various reasons. Sometimes the common cold causes a runny nose on one side. Or, you may have a deviated septum. In rare cases, it could be a spinal fluid leak or nasal/sinus cancer. Is a consta...
This increased blood flow doesn’t just help warm the air though, it also has a side effect of providing a lot more blood than normal to the glands which produce the mucus in your nose. This, in turn, causes them to start producing snot at a much higher rate than normal, which causes...
Breathing in too quickly through the nose causes the lateral sidewalls of the external nose (nasal valves) to collapse inwards. Some patients have already discovered that pulling the soft tissues of the cheek away in a superolateral direction from the nasofacial groove tightens the sidewall of ...
Theboy'snoseisrunning. 那儿男孩在流鼻涕。 pokeone'snoseintosth 探听某事tàntīngmǒushì poseone'snoseinto[orin] 探听tàntīng noseintootherpeople'saffairs 干涉别人的事情 leadsbbythenose俗 牵着某人的鼻子qiānzhemǒuréndebízi giveone'snose agoodblow ...
Also running parallel to the inferior alveolar artery is the inferior alveolar nerve (branch of cranial nerve V3), which branches to the mental nerve and exits through the anterior aspect of the mandible through the mental foramen. There are a total of 16 teeth in the fully developed mandible...
or by an allergy, particularlyhay fever.Nasalpolypsmay obstruct the nasal passages.Epistaxis, or nosebleed, may be caused by an injury to the nose or may be a symptom of other diseases. The nasal septum may grow irregularly or be deflected to one side by injury; this condition is calleddev...
Many a time, pedestrians have to cup their noses because the exhaust air emitted by vehicles running along the roads causes great disturbances to them. legco.gov.hk 我們經常 可以在港島 的中環至 銅鑼灣看見這種 景象, 特別 是在 灣仔的 數條 道路,例如 菲 林明道和分域 街,很多時候,行人在橫過...