On an average day, a typical person’s nose will produce about one quart of mucus/fluid (just under one liter). Most all of this snot generally gets passed back into your throat and swallowed, often without you even really being too conscious of it. When you’re breathing cold air thoug...
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is constantly circulated, with new fluid being produced and existing fluid drained. In this way some 500 to 700 milliliters of fluid are produced daily. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is contained within a closed cavity to maintain its volume and therefore perform its ...
A huge amount of focus should be on relaxation till you’re completely done with a nose running constantly clear mucus. So, ditch all your plans, and delay all work deadlines.You need to stay home and focus on recovery for which relaxation is very important. Grab healthy snacks (like soups...