epistaxis (redirected fromNose bleed) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia ep·i·stax·is (ĕp′ĭ-stăk′sĭs) n.pl.ep·i·stax·es(-stăk′sēz′) A nosebleed. [Greek, fromepistazein, epistag-,to bleed from the nose:epi-,epi-+stazein,to drip.] ...
There are lots of blood vessels on the inside of your nose, and the lining can be quite sensitive which makes it susceptible to damage. When the inner tissue of your nose is damaged, it can bleed, which results in nosebleeds. Nosebleeds are also known asepistaxis, which is just the me...
also nosebleed, "a discharge of blood from the nose, epistaxis," 1839 (Webster), from nose (n.) + bleed (n.). Also a common name of the yarrow and watercress (15c., compare nasturtium). also from 1839 Entries linking to nose-bleed bleed (v.) Old English bledan, "cause to lose ...
Is a nose bleed a sign or symptom? Nosebleeds can be frightening, butthey aren't usually a sign of anything seriousand can often be treated at home. The medical name for a nosebleed is epistaxis. During a nosebleed, blood flows from one or both nostrils. It can be heavy or light and...
epistaxis (redirected fromNose bleeding) Thesaurus Medical ep·i·stax·is (ĕp′ĭ-stăk′sĭs) n.pl.ep·i·stax·es(-stăk′sēz′) A nosebleed. [Greek, fromepistazein, epistag-,to bleed from the nose:epi-,epi-+stazein,to drip.] ...
epistaxis (redirected fromBroken nose) Thesaurus Medical Related to Broken nose:deviated septum ep·i·stax·is (ĕp′ĭ-stăk′sĭs) n.pl.ep·i·stax·es(-stăk′sēz′) A nosebleed. [Greek, fromepistazein, epistag-,to bleed from the nose:epi-,epi-+stazein,to drip.] ...