AnatomylaryngopharynxnasopharynxoropharynxSuccessful airway management requires an understanding of the upper and lower airway structures and functions. The nose and pharynx are important structures in the upper airway, providing: air quality control; protection of the lower airway; phonation and safe ...
American Journal of AnatomySudler MT. The development of the nose and of the pharynx and its derivatives in man. Am J Anat 1902;1:391-416.SUDLER, M. T. (1902). The development of the nose and of the pharynx and its derivatives in man. American Journal of Anatomy 1, 391-416....
nasal cavity - either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the pharynx internasal suture, sutura internasalis - the suture between the two nasal bones hooter, schnoz, schnozzle, snoot, snout, nozzle, honker, ...
nasal cavity - either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the pharynx internasal suture, sutura internasalis - the suture between the two nasal bones hooter, schnoz, schnozzle, snoot, snout, nozzle, honker, ...
Three bony ridges project from the outer wall of each nasal cavity and partially divide the cavity into three air passages. At the back of the nose these passages lead into the pharynx. The passages also are connected by openings with the paranasal sinuses. One of the functions of the nose...
thepharynx. The passages also are connected by openings with theparanasalsinuses. One of the functions of the nose is to drain fluids discharged from the sinuses. The nasal cavities also have a connection with the ears by theeustachian tubes, and with the region of the eyes by thenaso...
Swallowing disorders can be caused by a variety of factors including poor dental health, improper-fitting dentures or a common cold or flu. Gastroesophageal reflux commonly leads to difficulties when swelling due to acid in the esophagus and pharynx occurs. Other causes of dysphagia may be stroke,...
The internal nose is a hollow structure above the roof of the mouth, divided by the septum into two nasal cavities that extend from the nostrils to the pharynx. The mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavities is covered with fine hairs known as cilia that help to filter dust and ...
NoseSinusesOral CavityPharynxExamInterconnected StructuresRespiratory SystemDigestive SystemInfectionsInflammatory ConditionsExamineEssential SkillPhysiciansVideo TutorialAnatomy ReviewPhysical ExaminationSense Of SmellWarming And Moistening AirFiltering AirBony NoseCartilaginous NoseNasal VestibulesNasal SeptumBony TurbinatesMe...
(ENT), management of diseases of ear, management of diseases of nose and paranasal sinuses, management of diseases of oral cavity and salivary glands, management of diseases of pharynx and esophagus, management of diseases of larynx, and operative instruments and procedures, which are divided into...