Elisha de Hague Jr, Town Clerk of Norwich by Gray 1817. NWHCM 1954.138.Todd8.Wymer.161 A descendant of Protestant ‘Strangers’ who fled The Netherlands in the sixteenth century, de Hague Jr (1755-1826) became councillor, Land Tax Commissioner and – like his father – Town Clerk. He wa...
3 town hall meeting that showed a person urinating just feet behind the fence separating the homes from the pickleball courts. Oyster Bay spokesman Brian Nevin said there is a code enforcement case against the club pending in Nassau County District Court. The town previously issued Pine Hollow...
or ot her Writings relating to the Service of any Clerk, Ap- prentice or Servant, the full Sum or Sums of Money, or any Part thereof, received or contracted for, with, or in relation to, every such Clerk, Apprentice or Ser- vant, that upon Payment of double the Rates and Du- ties...
3 town hall meeting that showed a person urinating just feet behind the fence separating the homes from the pickleball courts. Oyster Bay spokesman Brian Nevin said there is a code enforcement case against the club pending in Nassau County District Court. The town previously issued Pine Hollow...