Tourist Attractions Norfolkis bursting with entertainment, with so many places to visit. For those seeking peace and tranquility there are magnificent stately homes and halls, all with spectacular gardens. Eating out InNorwich,Norfolkyou can dine out on English, Chinese, Thai, Indian, Mexican, Gree...
NorwichTouristInformationCentre(TIC)inTheForum Tel:01603727927 (Fromautumn2008call08449803333) Norwich12isworkingwiththeTIConaprogrammeofguidedtoursof the12buildingsforthepublicandgroups.ContacttheTICforthelatest informationontours,adviceonotherplacestovisitinNorwich,andto bookaccommodat...
This 'other' cathedral is easily accessed from the city centre by way of a footbridge over the ring road. Those visitors who take the easy stroll from the medieval Anglican cathedral to its Catholic counterpart are rewarded by one of the finest examples of Victorian Gothic architecture in Englan...
Above both figures are twisting vines and foliage, while under the figures are a peculiar mix of odd beasts, including a basilisk and a lion. The carving is exquisitely detailed and seems like it is ready to leap off the gateway. As you pass through the gate, pause in the centre and lo...
Namaste Village is a family run Indian fine dining restaurant located in the centre of Norwich in a beautiful historic building which was built in the year 1887. Decorated with Indian village theme and dishes served by Indian chef makes Namaste Village a unique experienc...
An explosion inside the church in 1876 destroyed most of the medieval stained glass, though some fragments still remain in the centre window of the north aisle. However, most of the glass is Victorian or 20th century. Will Kemp's Nine Days Wonder ...