These rooms are typically cheaper than an ocean view room, but are fun in that they offer an interesting stateroom experience that is rather unique to Royal Caribbean. (Most affordable stateroom onboard Norwegian Cruise Line's newest ship, Norwegian Viva) For both Norwegian Cruise Line and Royal...
These suites’ guests also have access to a private area, formerly an overflow room for Cagney’s steakhouse, accessed electronically by inserting a cabin entry card. Here suite passengers can get breakfast and lunch, either made-to-order from a menu, or from a small buffet. Morning breakfast...
I met with them again to grab a drink and chill out. I really like that everyone in the room gets a cruise card as it gives you freedom to do things separately if you want. We all went to dinner in Pearl and dressed quite smartly. I’ve really enjoyed the main dining rooms as the...
Gold and pearl-drops sprang forth on his breast. Where he rode there was light. Behind him was darkness; behind him raged drought and the simoom. He, the glorious one, came! Through the desert he came, like a mortal apparelled. Kaaba, Kaaba stands void;- he himself hath proclaimed it...
This outdoor casual buffet on seven Norwegian Cruise Line ships has a come-as-you-are dress code and serves burgers, hot dogs, fries and other items for guests who want to enjoy some ocean scenery with their lunch. Available on: Norwegian Epic, Gem, Jade, Jewel, Pearl, Sky and Sun ...
bbeettwweeeenn ssaammpplleess ccoolllleecctteedd eeaarrllyy ((FFiigguurree 44aa)) aanndd llaattee ((FFiigguurree 44bb)) dduurriinngg tthhee rriippeenniinngg,, wwiitthh aa cclleeaarr sshhiifftt iinn tthhee mmiiccrroobbiioottaa iinn ssaammpplleess ffrroomm PPrroodduucceerr 22.....