Hidden away at the top of the ship is The Haven by Norwegian, home to our most luxurious, well-appointed and spacious accommodation. Not only will you have access to all the ship has to offer, you'll enjoy the personal service of a concierge and 24-hour
Depart on a Caribbean Cruise on our Norwegian Jewel Cruise ship. Cruise to Alaska, the Pacific Coast, or the Panama Canal with the perfect Cruise Holiday Package.
挪威郵輪 (Norwegian Cruise Line) 挪威郵輪可謂業內最富創意的品牌之一,在過去50年不斷突破遊輪旅遊的傳統,如首創自由閒逸式遊輪度假(Freestyle Cruising),讓旅客穿著假日休閒服隨時享用美食,不受晚餐時間表束縛,並將悠閒元素和奢華氣派結合,兼備寧靜的餐廳和有精彩表演的用膳場所。隨心所欲的度假村式體驗,加上...
挪威領途號設有最多種類的海上套房類別,包括「The Haven by Norwegian」,是挪威郵輪獨有的豪華套房專區,引入「船中船概念」(Ship-within-a-ship),為旅客提供貼心私人服務和齊全設備,包括專屬餐廳、酒吧、陽光甲板(The Haven Sundeck)、24小時管家服務等,盡顯尊貴。
“The Haven”–A Family Cabin Hidden Away on Norwegian Cruise Line: Your family will love these accommodations, hidden away at the top of the ship. The Haven is an exclusive Norwegian Cruise Line cabin with luxurious, well-appointed and spacious accommodations. Not only will guests have access...
(Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12) and College/University Professors who are 18+ and legal residents of Canada or the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico). Must verify your eligibility with ID.me to receive 5% off your Norwegian Cruise Line cruise fare and $...
Norwegian Cruise Line has one of the youngest fleets on the planet, you're cruising on-board some of the most innovative cruises at sea. There are activities for everyone both on board and on shore and, with the widest choice of accommodation, you're sure to find the perfect combination ...
Norwegian Cruise Line: Official Travel Agency, committed to helping you, have the best cruise experience aboard NCL Cruises.
Norwegian Cruise Line 28 Mar 2024 They say the grass isn’t always greener on the other side - and that sentiment seems to be true for me when it comes to trying new cruise lines. After sailing with Royal Caribbean for 20 years, I started to get the itch to branch out. I had taken...
If The Haven just isn't your style, Norwegian Cruise Lines has many other accommodation options. Starting with Studios designed specifically for solo travelers, all the way to Penthouses and Grand Suites that include luxurious bathrooms, spacious living rooms, and expansive balconies. No matter the...