Northwestern University中文名称西北大学,Northwestern University坐落于芝加哥,是一所历史悠久的名校,共有超过4000门课程、190多个专业项目供学生选择,总体来说,西北大学有九个学院提供本科生项目,十个学院提供研究生或博士项目。下面托普仕老师给大家分享一下Northwestern University排名。 一、美国排名 2024USNews美国排名:9...
Ashland University #- 92 Available programs Thunderbird School of Global Management at ASU #=82 World University Rankings - Masters In Management 11 Available programs Maryland Institute College of Art #36 QS WUR Ranking By Subject 32 Available ...
不过这里学术氛围比较浓厚,想读phd的还是早点联系教授比较好。大家到时候可以具体看看cs ranking中自己感兴趣的fields的情况。我觉得自己就比较幸运,有兴趣的ai/ml/econ/theory刚好都有相关的教授在做,所以我也跟着他们做了研究。这里想插一句:在美国学习会更容易和学术界联系,我们院faculty很多都是HYP/四大/UW出身,背...
and many more. The material science discipline at NPU ranks among the top 0.1% globally, and the chemistry, engineering, and computer science disciplines are also among the top 1% globally according to the latest ESI subject area ranking. With these distinctive strengths, NPU has built a solid...