另外一个就是 CISA 啦,专门负责本科这边的活动。CISA 经常会组织一些好(sha)玩(diao)的活动。比如非...
我所就读的西北大学(Northwestern University) 坐落于美国第三大城市芝加哥市郊的小城Evanston(埃文斯顿)。 埃文斯顿是芝加哥的卫星城市,是白人占大多数的富人区,同时也因为在西北大学有不少的Asian students所以中餐韩餐泰餐日料都一一俱全。 第一天来到的时候就觉得是个天堂,不像是同学朋友们口中的美国。然而真正让...
尤其是对于PHD的申请者,一封你未来导师认可的教授给出的强推,可能是你拿到录取的关键性因素。 三、关于CS申请(转专业) 随着互联网行业的火热发展(工资高高高~~),千军万马转CS的浪潮迭起,连我这种本科只学过一门C语言的人,在去了一趟美国之后,也义无反顾的投入了CS的怀抱。以我录取的项目为例,UCI是4000+的申...
The reputation of the school, the program, and my PhD mentor lead to others reaching out to me. Currently a full professor in chemistry. Having said all of this, I could never have afforded to attend NU. Fortunately, at the graduate level in the sciences, there was support for promising...
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Hassanpour S (2010) Metallogeny and mineralization of copper and gold in Arasbaran Zone (Eastern Azerbaijan). PhD thesis, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran (in Persian with English abstract) Hassanpour S (2017) The Sungun porphyry magma resource and the 120,000-year difference in age between th...
The reconstructions were made possible by the application of multivariate statistics and transfer functions on benthic foraminiferal assemblages, by the measurement of total organic carbon concentration and by the investigation of chemical element ratios obtained from X-ray fluorescence (XRF). We observed ...
1.我在美国的西北大学就读 2.高中GPA成绩95/100,这个成绩我其实有些地方不满意,还有可以提升的空间。
西北大学(Northwestern University),创立于1851年,一所私立研究型大学,坐落于美国伊利诺伊州东北部城市...
美国西北大学(Northwestern University),简称NU,坐落于伊利诺伊州,是一所世界顶尖的私立研究型大学,最新...