我们系头子说西北是private school,MS基本不可能转PHD,不过其实我个人觉得能不能转跟教授对你的态度有很大关系,所以有意向的同学到时候可以多去和教授套套瓷。 课程 说完了申请录取,我们来说说选课。 西北是quarter制,每学期至少上3门课才能保持full-time,这样一年半就能毕业。如果你想做project/thesis也可以延期,不...
课程要求:At least 12 units of graduate study are required for the MS degree. Typically, one unit of credit corresponds to a one-quarter course. With the exception of EECS 590, all courses must be taken for a grade. Every MS student is required to take at least three relevant courses at...
Luck is hard to come by but easy to sell in poverty-stricken Tongxin, in northwestern China. 在中国西北部宁夏的贫困地区同心县,幸运很难到来,但是却很容易出售。 10. For that reason, Northwestern's Burgdorf avoids the word "laughter. " 出于这个原因,西北大学的伯格多夫避免使用“...
Concentrations of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Ti, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, La, Li, Ni, Pb, Sc, Sr, V, Y, and Zn were determined by ICP-AES and concentrations of As, Bi, Cd, Cs, Mo, Rb, Sb, Th, Tl, and U by ICP-MS. Bivariate analysis, principal component analysis, ...
2.2.1The Gwandu formation The Gwandu formation is the best-known aquifer in the Sokoto basin. It is continental in origin and consists of interbedded, moderately consolidated sands and clays. The clay beds are chiefly thick, massive, white, red grey black, and brown [82,83]. The sands...
The Mann–Whitney U test, a nonparametric alternative to the independent sample t-test, was carried out to compare gender, healing experience, and settlement history. Medicinal plant knowledge was determined in terms of the number of medicinal plants mentioned by different respondents. The ...
The isotopes of interset (238U, 239Pu, 240Pu, 242Pu) were analyzed in the peak hopping mode and the peak tops of the masses were measured at 10 % of their respective peak width. More detailed operational setup and parameters of the sample introduction system and the SF-ICP-MS for Pu ...
此外,USC的MS CS招生规模很大,有1200多名学生,他们大多数是应届的中国人和有过工作经验的印度人...
As used herein, the term “GLYX peptide” refers to a peptide having NMDAR glycine-site partial agonist/antagonist activity. GLYX peptides may be obtained by well-known recombinant or synthetic methods such as those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,763,393 and 4,086,196 herein incorporated ...