To get started, Sign-In to complete the General Application. Once you compete the General Application, you can then apply for any of the funds listed.PLEASENOTE: Completion of the General Application is onlySTEPONEof the One Form application process. ...
For a water body to be classified as of good ecological status, its hydromorphological condition must be such that the quality elements deviate only slightly from the reference conditions. This may involve removing barriers that prevent the river from reaching good status [8,18,31,44,68,69,93...
All the quantitative data which were collected from the field were processed using a computer application IBM SPSS 25. We followed standard ethical protocol, and all the respondents were up-to-date about the study objectives. We also took the verbal and written consent of the respondents before ...
3.5. Status Most of the studied meadows presented a good conservation status during the sampling period (2007–2015), as reflected in the EQR value of the BiPo index ranging between 0.57 and 0.64 (Table 5). The exception was the meadow studied at Maro MPA, where a lower EQR value indicate...