screw, and gear pumps. Blackmer’s main focus is providing military-grade solutions as opposed to other pump vendors. This brand is an excellent choice when looking for durability in a seawater pump. For heating and cooling applications as well as wastewater treatment...
Pumpline (5.11a) - Icicle ROTC (5.11c) - TumwaterSuggested Multi-pitch Crack Climbs Right Crack - Mountaineers Dome (5.2 - 2P) - Icicle Saber-Cat Burgler (5.6 - 3P) - Tumwater Midway-Midway Direct (5.6 - 3P) - Tumwater R&D (5.6 - 4P) - Icicle Tree Route (5.6 - 2P) - Icicle...
(InvestigateWest) On an overcast Saturday in Seattle, a group of volunteers combs a small section of the beach at Golden Gardens Park for trash. With 5-gallon buckets in hand, they slowly fan out and search a roughly rectangular zone marked by cones, passing over the same spots several tim...
In early April, after about five years of deliberation, we had solar panels installed on the south and west facing portions of our roof. On April 15th our panels “went live” and since then we’ve had a chance to evaluate what it means to be solar powered in Seattle. We’ve been sh...