Top SellerAmerican Heritage LargeGranite based multi-colored stone including ivory, pink, red and blue.View Product Marble PoinsettiaView Product DaVinci PoinsettiaView Product NewEZ Straw Lawn Repair MixThis EZ-Straw 11 lb. Lawn Repair Grass Seed Mix has been tested and proven to work faster and...
Some days feel like winter while others bring a mix of spring-like skies, rainbows and thunder storms. In truth it’s a month of contradictions as the snow fans fear their last chance of a white blanket… February 17, 2016Photos Weekly Photo Challenge The Weekly Photo Challenge: Time ...
Knowing me, the seed catalog fervor will hit and all my good intensions will go out the window, but honestly, all I want this year is a simple garden that will keep me in greens without too much work. Financial Stuff, Income Quilt and Savings We are debt free and do pretty well in ...
Open Pollinated vs Hybrid Seeds– More on this later, but for now I’ll try to stay brief. OP are necessary for seed saving, tend to mature over a longer harvest window and are cheaper. Hybrids (often called F1 in seed catalogs) tend to give you a very consistent, uniform crop (very...
On the other hand, if a gardener is routinely looking at their garden and wishing they had something to do, it’s time to look at expanding. Kill your grass, add another pot, grow vertical, sprout seeds – whatever – if you are itching to put more time into your garden, find a way...
internet education in healthy eating. As you read more you begin to understand that grains are fine but before you eat them you must prepare them in the traditional way: by long soaking in the light of a new moon with a mix of mineral water and the strained lacto-fermented tears of a ...
In a different study on another potential biomass and bioenergy grass, Phalaris arundinacea, sampled across the same geographical range, we found more genetic structure relating to geographical location in the plastome dataset [46] possibly due to the lower level of planting and human mediated seed ...
” Once dried and cleaned, as use the seeds in various mixtures for our guerilla gardening practice. Seeds of sun lovers go in one container, shade lovers in another, while a third is a random go-anywhere mix (especially beloved of very young people. We each take a lump of clay soil,...
Youn Seok Seo, is a surgeon retired from medical practice in Ohio. He made his literary debut via the Poetry Monthly in Korea. Whoever said that poetry and medicine don’t mix has not read Dr. Seo’s poems. And no one can resist sharing in his “Joy of Spring” but his longer poem...
You have to be in love with the miracle that is a sqush seed – no bigger than a fingernail but able to produce 100s of pounds of food in a single summer with only a little help from you, the gardener. You have to find a certain calm prayerfulness in the act of working your ea...