Wash. A Republican congressman has proposed removing four hydroelectric dams in the Northwest, including the Lower Granite Dam, as part of a sweeping plan to save salmon populations and provide aid to farmers and others. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File) ...
Rock Lake is a pleasant hike to a phenomenal lake in the midst of the Cabinet Wilderness. Steep talus slopes frame the lake on both sides, with the sheer granite face of Ojibway Peak looming high above. The water is much warmer than you’d expect, and the utter lack of mosquitoes turns...
A few weeks ago the smartest dude I know got a bit maudlin about how warming waters over the Arctic and methane burping forth from the melting permafrost is likely to increase the speed and effects of climate change. (Read morehereandhere.) This, in combination with thepolar vortexin the ...