Dates Of Operation 1872 - March 1, 1970 Charter Date July 2, 1864 Route Miles 6,682 (1952) Track Gauge 4 Feet, 8 ½ Inches Principal Lines Minneapolis/St. Paul - Fargo, North Dakota - Butte, Montana - Tacoma, Washington Logan - Helena - Garrison, Montana Minneapolis/St. Paul - Dulu...
14C dates and 210Pb radioactivities were used to develop chronologies for the six lakes for the current study. The age depth models for the Brock University lakes can be found in the supplemental material (Fig. S1). Age depth modeling with 14C and 210Pb dates for Nicole, Andy, and 7-M...
Figure 7 is the same as Figure 2, except that the dates are from 30 December 2020 to 2 January 2021. The stratified structure of air temperature field from the surface (~850 hPa) to 5.5 km (~500 hPa) height still existed during the winter cases, but the diurnal variation of T from ...