Northpoint GmbH is your experienced partner when it comes to the development and manufacture of technical and electronic consumer goods. We are also a specialist in the production and supply of promotional goods for the non-food area. We monitor all steps – from planning to the implementation of...
NORTHPOINT GMBH于2013年06月15日申请了名称为NORTHPOINT的第25类商标,商标注册号为G1161839,由国际局代理申请。
申请/注册号:G1161839申请日期:2013-06-15国际分类:第28类-健身器材商标申请人:NORTHPOINT GMBH办理/代理机构:- NORTHPOINT商标已注册 申请/注册号:G1161839申请日期:2013-06-15国际分类:第09类-科学仪器商标申请人:NORTHPOINT GMBH办理/代理机构:- NORTHPOINT商标已注册 申请/注册号:G1161839申请日期:2013-06-15...