North CarolinaSouth Carolinadeformed composite batholithOld PlutonicThe Charlotte belt in North Carolina and South Carolina, U.S.A. is characterized by numerous plutons with granitic to gabbroic composition that have intruded gneiss, schist, metavolcanic rocks, and metamorphosed mafic complexes (basalt...
Charlotte E Neville, Ian S Young, Frank Kee, Ruth E Hogg, Angela Scott, Frances Burns, Jayne V Woodside & Bernadette McGuinness Contributions FK, ISY, FB, BMcG, REH were responsible for study concept and design. CEN prepared the initial draft of the manuscript and subsequent revisions. AS ...
Early humans and rapidly changing Holocene sea levels in the Queen Charlotte islands, Hecate Strait, British Columbia, Canada Science, 277 (1997), pp. 71-74 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Kelly et al., 2005 M.G. Kelly, H. Bennion, E.J. Cox, B. Goldsmith, J. Jamieson, S. Juggins, ...
While we were visiting my cousin in Southport, North Carolina last week, she took us to a lake near Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson, where she had seen wild alligators before. The kids and I really wanted to see one, and boy did she deliver. ...
a位于美国北加州的旧金山湾区20日下午和晚间分别发生里氏4.0级和里氏3.8级地震, In is located north US California's San Francisco bay area on 20th in the afternoon and the evening has separately 4.0 magnitude of and in the 3.8 magnitude of earthquakes, [translate] ...
Ground slate knives are one of the most prevalent functional tool types in the north Norwegian Stone Age from around 5200/5000 BC (Jørgensen, 2021). They are primarily seen in relation to a marine fishing and hunting economy where they not only served as fish flensing knives, but also as...
The article outlines NORTHCOM's geographic and operational areas of responsibility and its work with federal, state, and local agencies. Future simulation exercises are also discusseddoi:10.1002/0471686786.ebd0091Charlotte SavidgeJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc....
Abstract: EARLY CRUSTAL EVOLUTION OF NORTH AMERICA IN THE NORTHERN WYOMING PROVINCE (2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte (47 November 2012))The eastern part of the Beartooth Mountain Range in Montana and Wyoming contains Early to Middle Archean rocks of the TTG association, which is the most ...
Earth Sci., 3: 156‑161.Olatunde, A.F. and Aremu, J.K. (2013) "Return Periods of Drought Intensities in Some Stations in Northern Nigeria". Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences, Vol. 3. No 11, PP 156- 161. University of North Carolina of Charlotte, U.S.A....
Later, in 1874, the book “Fair Lusitania”, presented by Lady Catherine Charlotte Jackson, describes a long trip to Portugal taken by the author. Chapter XXIV, entitled “A Ramble in Minho”, describes several parts of the region, with a brief paragraph dedicated to Guimarães, which focuse...