North CarolinaSouth Carolinadeformed composite batholithOld PlutonicThe Charlotte belt in North Carolina and South Carolina, U.S.A. is characterized by numerous plutons with granitic to gabbroic composition that have intruded gneiss, schist, metavolcanic rocks, and metamorphosed mafic complexes (basalt...
While we were visiting my cousin in Southport, North Carolina last week, she took us to a lake near Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson, where she had seen wild alligators before. The kids and I really wanted to see one, and boy did she deliver. ...
Earth Sci., 3: 156‑161.Olatunde, A.F. and Aremu, J.K. (2013) "Return Periods of Drought Intensities in Some Stations in Northern Nigeria". Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences, Vol. 3. No 11, PP 156- 161. University of North Carolina of Charlotte, U.S.A....