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Pile have announced their new album, All Fiction, will drop on February 17th via Exploding In Sound. Along with the news, the band have shared a video for its lead single “Loops”. “Loops” finds Rick Maguire questioning his motives as a songwriter, scrutinizing the border between his liv...
Across the tropics, where pandanus and other tree nuts are ubiquitous and well preserved, the isotopic analysis of such food plant remains offers a method for the development of context-specific proxies for past environment and land management, and their comparison to cultural, social and ...
More specifically, the ISPRA institute includes in the national ITHACA catalog (ITaly HAzard from CApable faults; ITHACA Working Group, 2019) both capable (last activity <125 ka) and potentially capable (last activity between 125 ka and 2.58 Ma) faults. Hence, in our study we focus ...
which partially overlaps with the proposed CSK processing, ends at the beginning of 2014; therefore, the CSK processing by the authors offers a solution to fill the gap between the time series of the PST and the EGMS products, allowing for a seamless displacement analysis in the area from 201...
The aim of this research, carried out in the Adriatic Sea, was to test a repeatable Marine Spatial Planning framework aimed at enhancing fisheries sustainability through the application of Decision Support Tools and the composition of a catalog of possible measures. The use of these tools proved ...
This study evaluates the projected impact of climate change on wheat production in Northwest Tunisia, specifically at Medjez El Beb (36.67 m, 9.74°) and Slougia (36.66 m, 9.6°), for the period 2041–2070. Using the CNRM-CM5.1 and GFDL-ESM2M climate mod