“Northern Shaolin School of Kung Fu has a high level of professionalism. The instructors are very approachable and have high expectations for their students.” Kevin Pham Parent "Been training with Sifu and the school 10 years now. Sifu Delmar Minor is a great teacher and role model to us...
ShaolinMantis.com and NOLAKungFu.com. The Association offers certified, authentic and traditional instruction in theNorthern Praying Mantis Kung-Fu System, as taught by Michael Dawson. This website features information about the Association, kung-fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes in New Orleans, LA -...
Welcome to The Northern Shaolin Academy! . . . Come and See our New Kung Fu Dragon & Tiger classes (Ages 5 up 15 ) On Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. Class Descriptions Kids Kung Fu Class - Pandas This pre-martial arts program, consisting of 2 classes per week, i...
Kung fu Montreal, Northern Shaolin is a Traditional martial art school located downtown. Our system includes Northern Long fist Kung fu styles such as Chaquan and Shaolin, we also teach Qi Gong (Chi Kung).
is accepting new Kung Fu and Tai Chi students!Since the early 1990’s the Los Angeles Shaolin Wugong & Taichi Academy of Los Angeles has offered the study of Chinese Kung Fu by promoting traditional practices and techniques passed down from Grand Master Chen, Guowei (San Paolo, Brazil) to ...
The Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy is a traditional school in the Philadelphia / King of Prussia / Audubon area of Pennsylvania (PA) for northern and southern traditional Chinese martial arts, including Tien Shan Pai, Hung Gar (Five Family
the Northern Lights training program are Northern Shaolin, with specialization in Eagle Claw, Chang Moo Kwan style Taekwondo, and Jow Ga, a southern family system of Kung Fu. Training is demanding, requiring fitness on a level suitable for competent and commensurate performance in forms and ...
少林功夫是指在嵩山少林寺这一特定佛教文化环境中历史地形成,以佛教神力信仰为基础,充分体现佛教禅宗智慧,并以少林寺僧人演练的武术为主要表现形式的传统文化体系。 少林功夫表现出来的深厚文化内涵是禅宗智慧赋予的。少林功夫首先表现为一种信仰,一种对于超常神力的追求。对于超常神力的渴望,对于超常智慧的追求,从来都是...
少林武功是我国著名的武术流派之一,其历史悠久,影响深广,是中国传统武术的一个重要组成部分。“少林拳”、“少林棍”在我国武术史上占有重要的一页。 少林武功起源于古代嵩山少林寺,并因而得名。嵩山少林寺位于河南省登封县嵩山少室五乳峰下。它创建于南北朝时期北魏太和十九年(公元四九五年),是孝文帝为安置印度僧人...