The map was prepared online using KNMI climate explorer ( Full size image We found a positive spatial correlation between the observed and reconstructed precipitation and CRU grid land precipitation of those regions. Similarly, we found a positive correlation between the ...
Anthropogenic climate change is expected to catalyze forest conversion to grass and shrublands due to more extreme fire behavior and hotter and drier post-fire conditions. However, field surveys in the Northern Rocky Mountains of the United States show r
Iceland's northern lights forecast If you’ve already got a vacation to Iceland booked and are planning a trip to see the northern lights, the Icelandic Met Office provides anorthern lights forecastwith predictions for the coming three days. The map shows cloud coverage over Iceland, and there...
lighter and more powerful than traditional batteries and have a flat voltage profile meaning they provide almost full power until discharged. They also have no memory effect and a very low rate of discharge
The district lies within the geographical grid coordinates of 10°30′0′' to 11°0′0′' north latitude and 39°0′0′' to 39°20′0′' east longitude. It covers a total area of 1,017.35 km2. It is located 100 km west of Dessie city and 510 and 500 km from the capital cities...
The California Independent System Operator issued its fifth “flex alert,” a plea for people to use their air conditioners and other appliances sparingly from 4 to 9 p.m. to protect the power grid. ___ Ronayne reported from Sacramento, California. Associated Press journalist Stefanie Dazio con...
meet the model input requirements, monthly LAI maps were first calculated as maximum values of 15-day LAI composites and then aggregated to 0.5° × 0.5° grid cells. Next, LAI maps at the PFT level were derived by weighting the satellite-observed LAI values by the fractional vegetation ...
MT data were acquired on a rectangular grid of 39 sites across almost half of the onshore basin to investigate the composition and spatial variation of the basin's formations. One-dimensional stochastic inverse modelling of the observed MT data was with a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo...
The one feature clearly noticeable is that the magma bulk is divided into two compartments along the northeastern side of the data grid. The second indicative phenomenon is that the resistivity at the center of the compartment is very low (1–3 Ωm) and increases outwards. This might indicate...