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We work very hard, every day, to keep your connection on - even in the most adverse conditions. We are theresilientInternet Service Provider. So don't settle for the "other" guys with data caps, low speed, high latency and tons of down time - upgrade to THE GOOD Internet today!Sign ...
In our Northern Virginia active adult communities, you’ll find all of the adventure, excitement, and friendship that you’re looking for. With exciting resort-style amenities, our 55+ communities make it easy to try new things and meet new people. Whether it's joining a walking group, a ...
Data analyses were focused on comparing (1) nekton densities in marsh, oyster reef, SAV, and open-water NVB habitats in the saline zone during spring and fall; (2) nekton densities across the transition zone between marsh and open-water NVB (i.e., marsh edge, marsh interior, open-...
These include irregular deliveries due to the seasonal functioning of the transport route and ice conditions, a high level of tariffs due to low cargo flow, and the inability to transport return goods. Particular attention is paid to the need for international cooperation to implement large ...
In the cool phases of ENSO (La Niña), drier than average conditions usually prevail in the southwestern United States. In the warm phases of PDO, dry conditions usually prevail in the Northwest. These inter-decadal processes have been linked to fire occurrence in both the northwestern Mexico...
a sso ciated w ith env iro nmental conditions an d gr azing,the func— tions of entire ecosystems can change (S~etersdal et a1.2004; Cingolani 2005) . M any stu d ie s o f v egetation respo nse conclud ed that hig h grazing intensity reduced plant diversity by decreasing ...
There are many conditions that are known to increase risk of cardiovascular diseases but hypertension has long been known explicitly to be a strong and independent risk factor for the development of major adverse cardiovascular events, whereby the cardiovascular system adopts different abnormal changes as...
(eEasnnqcaneurnuaioatai,rloimaonv,a(em4xr)iam)a,gxaueimlmtghueodnmuaegirldahyatiisiotlosynlaesrofofnPelalcVyrt PdVecgreeanseersabtiyonledssectrheaanse3s%d(unroint gshvoewrynh).ot days by less than 5% while annual average generation only decreTahseessbiymluelsastethdanen3e%rg(ynolot ash...
(eeiaopoecetcetieldsrstft.aistrefnrmcetir,.teaoomictPti.iei,cse.slnnvrosiuaesSnotepnonltie9lot,jchetsseccvtfs;rdsciectfatsasirSotaahoruoonitaemntoieannbmraaacd ctehatenyndimnornitov.eleroncgoaicmpapplrloyos,aidctiheoernnPsivorotiewofnsfcsaruiydpobnalmjetyeacs(cLtEtciaclPcilttPiimitnc)ic,...