Welcome to Northern Michigan's finest wholesale Christmas Tree growers and supplier. We provide nursery stock from seedlings to transplants and fresh cut Christmas Trees.
this one million square foot complex was a state-of-the-art mental hospital, the Northern Michigan Asylum for the Insane. Founder Dr John Decker Munson was a proponent of the fin-de-siècle “beauty is therapy” movement in psychiatric care, and the beautifully-manicured grounds ...
In a survey of vascular plant communities in northern lower Michigan we examined species diversity and landscape pattern. Surveying 47 sites we found 483 vascular plant species: 37 tree species, 67 shrub species, 4 vine species, and 375 herbaceous species; there was a mean of 74.3 ± 4.2 ...
As a gardener, I also found the number of bee species astounding and their effects on how flowers developed through the millennia interesting. Only recently I learned Michigan has over 300 variety of bees, but had no idea on how many species there are in the world. All the information Mr....
As long as the tree is at least 10 inches in diameter, both maples native to northern Michigan—red maple and sugar maple—can be used to make syrup, but, as its name suggests, sugar maples are preferred due to their sap’s slightly higher sugar content. At its most basic, tapping ...
Seasonal patterns of leaf photosynthetic capacity and conductance were determined for deciduous hardwood tree species in natural habitats in northern lower Michigan. Leaves of bigtooth aspen and red oak at the top of the canopy had higher maximum CO2Exchange Rate (CER) (10-15 μmol m-2s-1) th...
(ECM) fungi, while many deciduous tree species associate with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Because leaf habit influences the quantity and quality of organic matter inputs to soil, it is often an important factor in soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, and thus can mask the effects of ...
I calibrated models of radial growth as a function of light intensity and landscape-level variation in soil water and foliar N for saplings of four canopy tree species, which differ in adult distributions across soil resource gradients. Model formulations, characterizing different resource effects and...
Good riddance it was a pile of garbage I can only imagine how embarrassing it was for that poor tree The Shoe Treedates back at least 30 yearsas a Northern Michigan roadside attraction and there are other examples of shoe trees around America but few as sneaker-laden as the one in Kalkask...
Meijer is a Midwestern supermarket chain operating 253 stores across Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Named for its founding family, Meijer has been recognized for its environmental friendliness and focus on diversity and inclusion when hiring staff. #23. AT&T Wireless Hele...