If you are looking for genuine Northern Lights Feminised seeds, then look no further. Order online and the seeds will be delivered discreetly at your doorstep. Northern Lights by Quebec Cannabis Seeds SHOP NOW This seed bank has been in the market for over fifteen years. The Canada based seed...
Since Sensi Seeds released Northern Lights, it has become the standard by which others are measured. To say that the strain is multi-awarded is an understatement. It is one of the three lineages that have redefined the cannabis landscape with the others being Skunk and Haze. Between the three...
Peak Seeds BC is a trusted and reliable seed bank in Canada serving up our world famous cannabis strains at great prices, visit our shop now!
Strain Review November 1, 2017 Northern Lights Strain Review – Bonza Blog What do people think of whenever they hear about Northern Lights? For many, they will probably have fleeting images of the dancing lights in the northern hemisphere. Not for the cannabis community, though. In...Follo...
Feminized Northern Lights (from Pyramid Seeds), ordered them from AttitudeI probably wouldn’t order seeds from this breeder again. The seeds ended up being an autoflowering strain even though it was advertised as being a photoperiod strain. It all ended up working out, but I would have been...