2. 政治 | Politics Main article: Politics of Northern Ireland【主条目:北爱尔兰的政治】 主条目:北爱尔兰政府和北爱尔兰议会 2.1 背景 | Background 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议 图片题注:A flowchart illustrating all the political parties that have existed throughout the history of Northern Ireland and...
The repeated crises of devolved power sharing in the face of continued paramilitary activity and persistent sectarianism have hindered attempts to shape a new Northern Irish politics, based upon peace and consensus. In this important new book, Jonathan Tonge analyzes the underlying issues, explores ...
eligion Vs Politics Northern Ireland Conflict - Religion Vs PoliticsNorthern Ireland Conflict - Religion Vs PoliticsReligious Conflict of Ireland
"It is not clear whether there would be a border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland or some other solution," says Michael Keating, professor of politics at Edinburgh University. Northern Ireland left reeling after Brexit vote Ireland and Northern Ireland would likely remain close...
Culture and Identity Politics in Northern IrelandDemocracy and Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland at the CrossroadsIdentity in Northern IrelandDeveloping Dialogue in Northern IrelandCombating Terrorism in Northern IrelandThe A to Z of the Northern Ireland Conflict - Gordon Gillespie...
James C. Bennett is my kind of thinker - space travel, nanotechnology, transhumanism, pro-Internet, and pro-West politics. See his column, "The Anglosphere Beat", United Press International. I would prefer Ireland to be linked to the Anglosphere than to the EU or the UN. Post-colonial...
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, lying in the northeastern quadrant of the island of Ireland. Its capital is Belfast. It is sometimes referred to as Ulster, although it includes only six of the nine counties which made up that historic Iri
Find out about theBattle of Moira, a legendary clash which took place in 637 AD between Domnall the High King of Ireland and his stepson Congal Cáech, King of Ulster, in the BBC Bitesize guide Watch ananimated summary of citizenship and politics in Northern Ireland, created by the BBC ...
politicsThe public provision of leisure services and the impact which this has on the community has become a political issue. Nowhere is this more the case than in Northern Ireland where economic and social problems, together with the Troubles, led to a massive increase in central government's ...
Given the potential importance of television in divided societies, it is surprising that the near-universal availability of Ireland's national station, RT, in the north-eastern corner of Ireland has only recently been achieved. This was facilitated by the new political arrangements in Northern ...