The 23 March CME arrived at around 24/1411 UTC. Severe (G4) geomagnetic storming has been observed and is expected to continue through the remainder of the 24 March-UTC day and into the first half of 25 — NOAA Space Weather (@NWSSWPC)March 24, 2024 ...
HPS is a severe and sometimes fatal respiratory illness caused by the infection with hantaviruses. Hantavirus is spread from rodents, primarily the deer mouse in Arizona, to people through airborne transmission from viral droplets spread through handling or stirring up materials contaminated with rodent...
It also allows us access to the dome even with snow still on the ground, and in the summer, it gives us an additional opening at the knee wall even if we have to close the door because of severe weather, which is a bonus. Our dome has two windows, both with an Automatic Greenhouse...