Map of participating healthcare facilities. Site policies around postpartum return to work as well as cultural and setting differences are summarized. Royal Thai Government Hospitals are indicated as “Hospitals”; community-based organization clinics are indicated as “Clinics”. CBO: community based ...
The conundrum of low COVID-19 mortality burden in sub-Saharan Africa: myth or reality? Glob Health Sci Pract. 2021;9:433–43. Article Google Scholar Johns Hopkins University. COVID-19 Global Map 2022. Accessed 26 May 2021. Our ...
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a major communicable disease in children ≤6 years old, particularly in several countries in the Asia-Pacific Region, including Thailand. HFMD impacts public health and the economy, especially in northern Thailan
5 Departments of Physiology and Biology, University of Oulu, Finland 6 Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland 7 Department of Psychiatry, University of Kuopio, Academy of Finland Email: Kaisa Karvonen ( *Department of Psychiatry, Oulu University Hospital,...
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are recognised as a common cause of hospital admissions, and they constitute a significant economic burden for hospitals. Hospital-based ADR monitoring and reporting programmes aim to identify and quantify the risks associat
hospital stay is expensive to the hospital, or because Santa Rosa Hospital had a pediatric specialist on stand-by, to discharge the child at two in the morning. Dr. Schug gave Mr. Burrows a map to the Santa Rosa hospital, where his son went into a coma and cardiac arrest. Cody was ...
The 2014 Stormont House Agreement set in place institutional changes which, unintentionally, paved the way for the wellbeing framework approach. Firstly, they reduced the number of departments from 12 to nine. Secondly and crucially, they agreed that the draft Programme for Government would have to...
Figure 1. Map of northern Italy reporting the region boundaries with a specific focus on the Alessandria LHA (red area). We considered subjects who lived in the area with at least one positive NP molecular or antigen-test swab between the 2 March to the 22 December 2020. For each subject...
Patients were identified through the intranet resources of the Cantabrian Health Service: the hospitals’ diagnostic coding system, the International Classification of Primary Care (CIAP) used in the health centers, and data provided by different departments (Pneumology, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, ...