2019/20 北部诸郡东联赛超级 Northern Counties East League Premier Division AFC Mansfield 阿尔比恩体育 Albion Sports Athersley Recreation 巴顿城 Barton Town Bottesford Town 布里德灵顿城 Bridlington Town Eccleshill United 加福斯城 Garforth Town 古尔 Goole 格里姆斯比 Grimsby Borough Handsworth 赫姆斯沃思矿工...
Northern Counties League
Named after Beverly Jean Weich—the daughter of its president Mervyn Weich—BJ’s was established by the defunct discount store chain Zayre in 1984, and now operates stores throughout the East Coast and in Ohio. The smaller of the two members-only discount retailers on this list, BJ’s went...
From the east to the west, five of the seven counties of Pingliang are Lingtai 靈台, Jingchuan 涇川, Chongxin 崇信, Huating 華亭, and Zhuanglang 莊浪, all of which boast several Buddhist cave-temples as well. See (Gansu Sheng Wenwu Gongzuodui and Qingyang Bei Shiku Wenwu Baoguansuo 1987...