Thank You For 20 Years of Revelry! Looking forward to seeing you again next season! 1 2 3 4 5 Step Back In Time Games and Activities Participate Helpful Links Crafts200 Fine Artisans Food & BeverageFine Eats & Drinks! Games & ActivitiesFor Children & Adults ...
WHO:Northern California Renaissance Faire WHEN:Weekends – September 14th thru October 20th WHERE:Casa De Fruta, Hollister 98.5 KFOX has your chance to check out the Northern California Renaissance Faire MORE INFO & BUY TICKETS:CLICK HERE
The Northern California Renaissance Faire is affiliated with local hotels that provide accommodations for Faire visitors at discounted rates. Hilton Garden Inn 6070 Monterey Road Gilroy, CA 95020 Reservations: 408-840-7000 Website Best Western Forest Park Inn 375 Leavesley Road Gilroy, CA 95020 Reserv...
On the Scene: A Fun Day at the Northern California Renaissance Faire!Andree, MikeChilcott, Mark
There are many choices of traditional Renaissance-style food to choose from as well as more modern fare. For hungry travelers, the Food Court is a short walk from the front gate. Other delectables can be located throughout the faire near the Joust, in the Enchanted Garden and in Trader’...
Additional photographers: Victoria Stehl, Rosemary Guglielmelli, Howard Gold, and Richard Lowe. DISCLOSURE: Commercial photography and filming activities are conducted at the Northern California Renaissance Faire. You may appear in the resulting pictures or films. These pictures or films may be used in...
Jared RockRenaissance Music Hear the sweetest of melodies dancing through the air! Jared Rock plucks and strums his lute, performing some of the earliest music printed in England. Three times daily on the Storybook Stage. How to Audition for Shakespeare ...
The renaissance witnessed great changes made in the art of warfare. Professional mercenary troops comprised of Germans, Dutch and Englishmen were highly prized throughout Europe for their importability into all manner of disputations. The Queen knew the value of men with negotiable loyalties. During ...
Participation Get Involved at the Faire: There are several ways to get involved at the Northern California Renaissance Faire. Naturally being a ticket bearing patron is the easiest way to participate in the fun. Patrons are welcome and encouraged to dress in Renaissance style costuming to enhance... click Renaissance Faires for more information. If I wear a costume do I get in for free? No, but thank you for participating. Are shoes required? Yes. Due to safety & insurance requirements all guests are required to wear shoes at all times. ...