Thiel V, Hügler M, Ward DM, Bryant DA (2017) The dark side of the mushroom spring microbial mat: life in the shadow of chlorophototrophs. II. metabolic functions of abundant community members predicted from metagenomic analyses. Front Microbiol 8:943.
Orthologous gene identification and nuclear alignment matrix assembly To obtain orthologous genes (OGs) for phylogenetic analysis, we performed a series of critical search and filtering processes. There are four high-quality genome assemblies (chromosome-level) available in Fagaceae:Fagus sylvatica122,Casta...
The northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) is an ornamental oak species native to eastern America, being an invasive species in Europe, with increasing coverage. The aim of this work was to evaluate the biological potential of red oak bark extracts. Aqueous
Sri Lanka, an island nation located off the southeast coast of the Indian sub-continent, has an unappreciated diversity of corals and other reef organisms. In particular, knowledge of the status of coral reefs in its northern region has been limited due
Though mushroom harvesting was engaged in the most, the relatively minimal utilization of the other provisioning services (e.g., fibers, fuelwoods, medicinal plants, and edible plants) reduced the overall satisfaction with provisioning services. To an indeterminable extent, the low incomes from NT...