Climate change is expected to shift the boreal biome northward through expansion at the northern and contraction at the southern boundary respectively. However, biome-scale evidence of such a shift is rare. Here, we used remotely-sensed tree cover data t
The climax state of the floodplain was dominated by flood-tolerant, deciduous conifers such as Metasequoia . A more heterogeneous mid-successional assemblage is represented by angiosperm and gymnosperm co-dominance with an angiosperm dominance of Corylus , while early-successional ecological groups, ...
At the termination of the LGM around 18.8 ka, a biome shift to mixed coniferous and deciduous broadleaf forest dominated by Betula occurred in and around the study site. The expansion of deciduous broadleaf trees at ca. 19 ka, which has also been recognized in other localities in central ...
Damage from, e.g., late spring frost events or acute frost desiccation does not seem to override the growth caused by warming, at least on a global scale. The only biome-type deviation from this trend is temperate shrublands, mainly located in north Africa and Turkey, in other words, ...
Spatial inputs used a 30-m grid cell resolution. The initial model vegetation for MD-GNP, extrapolated to a landscape scale from our plot-based field data, consisted mainly of Douglas-fir (22 percent) and subalpine fir dominated stands (33 percent), with lesser amounts of other conifer ...