The walls of the chapel on the inside are ornamented with a regular succession of small round columns or pilasters, belted in the midst, the capitals filled with a garland of open-cut foliage of delicate work, from whence spring pointed arches; three pilasters and two arches in each space...
Interestingly again, this cluster analysis delineated precisely the northern region influenced by onshore breeze and trade winds in northern NEB. The metropolitan regions of state capitals of NEB are in the first cluster, the ones with the lowest lightning indices, with the exception of Teresina-...
An important indicator for measuring the resilience and ability of urban networks to recover under external environmental shock, which is essential for the healthy development of the region, is urban network structure resilience. Herein we analyzed the resilience of the urban network structure and explo...
4.3. The Value of Food in the Veneto Region and Wine as a Typical Product Throughout the Region—except for the Provincial capitals—the agri-food system plays a very important role [74] (pp. 102–120). The main supply chains can be identified: all of them represent agricultural landscapes...
with a large portion of the population concentrated in the capital, Zaragoza (682,513 inhabitants in 2024), in contrast to the other provincial capitals in the region—Huesca, with 55,217 inhabitants, and Teruel, with 36,155, the latter being the least populated provincial capital in Spain [...