Impact on efforts to revive the Joseph branch line of the Idaho Northern and Pacific Railroad; Background on the rate dispute; Implications for local economic development projects.McGarryThomasEBSCO_bspOregon Business Magazine
after 8 yearsofdevelopmentintheUnited States, Oregon, New York, Losangeles,China Ji'nan,Beijing branch offices. 纽约全一快递以实事求是为原则,以快速安全为标准,以客户满意为已任,经过8年的发展,在美国俄勒冈、纽约、洛杉矶等地设有分公司,济南设有客...
Development perspective, Knowledge, skills and institutions: extension's roles in economic development Social system of Don Daeng Village : a community study in Northeast Thailand by Koichi Mizuno (Discussion paper / Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto... Weber, B.A. (Oregon State University...
As Alaskan landings increased in the late 1970s, several North American west coast stocks, notably Oregon coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch; Pearcy 1992), went into a prolonged period of decline. Much early research on variability in salmon survival (and therefore production and catch) focused on...
Forms and accumulation of soil P in natural and recently restored peatlands—upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA. Wetlands, 25(3): 594-606. doi: 10.1672/0277-5212(2005)025[0594:Faaosp]2.0. Co;2. Google Scholar [25] Hessen D O, Agren G I, Anderson T R et al., 2004. Carbon, ...
Forest Carbon Incentive Programs for Non-Industrial Private Forests in Oregon (USA): Impacts of Program Design on Willingness to Enroll and Landscape-Scale Program Outcomes. For. Policy Econ. 2022, 141, 102778. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Lodin, I.; Brukas, V. Ideal vs Real Forest ...
Economics of Crime : A Comparative Analysis of the Socio-Economic Conditions of Convicted Female and Male Criminality In Selected Prisons in Tamil Nadu... S. Santhanalakshmi, Ph.D. Technique as Voyage of Discovery: A Study of the Techniques in Dante's Paradiso... ...
Tree age (AGE) and stocking degree (P) strongly influence tree shape, but their effects have been neglected in most tree profile equations. In addition, da
Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 1994, 2:24. 30. Somnasang P: Indigenous food use: gender issues in rural Northeast Thailand. University of Oregon; 1996. 31. Price LL: Women's wild plant food entitlements in Thailand's agricultural Northeast. University of Oregon, Anthropology ...
1. School of Nursing and Health Southern Oregon State College, 97520, Ashland, OR, USA ;J Cross Cult GerontolJournal of cross-cultural gerontologyCaffrey, R. A. (1992). Family care of the elderly in Northeast Thailand: changing patterns. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 7 , 105–116....