A career at Northeast Georgia Health System means making a contribution to the community around you. It means stepping out of the routine and into new challenges. It means making someone’s tomorrow better by bringing your best today. It will mean much more for you. Search Jobs External Appli...
Offering her rewards is saying, ‘Only if you change, will we care for you.’ Monitor her health but I wouldn’t rush to force feed her.” “Interesting advice,” said Brad. “Aileen, I’m sure you have something to add.” Aileen sounded shriller than before: “Deeply Worried, you ...
policy and research at different system levels. For example, a supportive interface may overcome incompatible individual behaviours of policy-makers, practitioners and researchers, if it is coherent across system levels, including from the top-down (i....
We calculate the cradle-to-grave life cycle GHG emissions on a per unit energy basis (1 MJ) of ethanol produced from willow biomass for different scenarios, considering a biorefinery system that can process 700 Mg (dry) of biomass per day and the utilization of suitable grassland or cropland...
When a central city grows, it attracts large numbers of people from the low-level towns due to higher wages, better health services, better infrastructure, and more jobs, which in turn expands the size of the central city. When the size of the central city reaches a certain level, the ma...
High growth firms, jobs and peripheral regions: The case of Scotland. Camb. J. Reg. Econ. Soc. 2015, 343–358. [CrossRef] 41. Wang, J.F.; Li, X.H.; Christakos, G.; Liao, Y.L.; Zhang, T.; Gu, X.; Zheng, X.Y. Geographical detectors-based health risk assessment and its...