Alaska: Putters Wild, Anchorage Mikko Lemola // Shutterstock Alaska: Putters Wild, Anchorage - Rating: 4 / 5 (22 reviews) The only3D black lightminigolf course in Anchorage,Putters Wildoffers 18 holes of ocean-themed play. Recommended for golfers ages 5 and up, the course has earned pra...
2004, Anchorage: Shared Beringian Heritage Program. National Park Service Google Scholar Fortescue M: The relationship of Nivkh to Chukotko-Kamchatkan revisited. Lingua. 2011, 121: 1359-1376. Article Google Scholar Comrie B: The Languages of the Soviet Union. 1981, Cambridge: Cambridge ...
disturbance;biodiversity;ecoregion;species richness;community 1. Introduction The rocky intertidal zone is a unique and biologically challenging ecosystem that exists at an interface between terrestrial and marine ecosystems, with unique species of higher plants, algae, and animals that have developed the...