After defining the age group of perinatal individuals by performing a principal component analysis (PCA) in form space (taking into account size effects; Supplementary Information, Supplementary Methods 2 and Supplementary Fig. S2) we analyzed the distribution of the single age group of perinatal indi...
on the Willaumez Peninsula. The PCA in Fig.4, plotting the first two principal components, shows all of the Madang obsidian samples clustering away from the West Fergusson Island reference samples from the Massim, and the Lou and Pam Island samples from...
The second PCA was anthropogenic activity, including the use of harmful fishing gear (0.702), application of urea to harvest fish (0.673), drying beels annually (0.531), and overfishing (0.513). Finally, the third PCA was loaded with the fishermen age (0.719), education (−0.767), and ...