north-northeast - to, toward, or in the north-northeast nor'-nor'-east Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: north-northeast [ˌnɔːθˌnɔːθˈiːst] A. N→ no...
Adv.1.northwestward- in a northwestward direction northwestwardly Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: northwestward [ˈnɔːθˈwestwəd] ...
“North-northwest.”, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 22 Oct. 2024. Copy Citation Share Facebook Twitter More from Merriam-Webster onnorth-northwest Nglish:Translation ofnorth-northwestfor Spanish Speakers ...
northwesterly adverb or adjective north·west·er·lynȯrth-ˈwes-tər-lē 1 :from the northwest 2 :toward the northwest More from Merriam-Webster onnorthwesterly Nglish:Translation ofnorthwesterlyfor Spanish Speakers Love words? Need even more definitions?
As a result China is seeing floods in the south-east and droughts in the north-west.(其结果是中国东南部洪水泛滥,而西北部干旱少雨。) Children from the North-West have lost out most, with their weekly money down 35 per cent to ?7.25.(英国西北部地区孩子每周的零花钱较去年下降得最多,降...
18.Spain is a country that lies in southwestern Europe.It's surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the south and the east,while to the north of Spain lie France,Andorra and the Bay of Biscay.The west and northwest of Spain are surrounded by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean. ...
Spain is a country that lies in southwestern Europe. It’s surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the south and the east, while to the north of Spain lie France, Andorra and the Bay of Biscay. The west and northwest of Spain are surrounded by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean. ...
(Genesis xxxv.18), from HebrewBinyamin, literally "son of the south," though interpreted in Genesis as "son of the right hand," fromben"son of" +yamin"right hand," also "south" (in an East-oriented culture). Compare Arabic cognateyaman"right hand, right side, south;"yamana"he was...
Spain is a country that lies in southwestern Europe. It’s surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the south and the east, while to the north of Spain lie France, Andorra and the Bay of Biscay. The west and northwest of Spain are surrounded by Portugal an
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) is a land-locked country in north east Africa, approximately between 3 and 15 north latitude and 33 and 48 east longitude. 埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国(埃塞俄比亚)是位于非洲东北部的一个内陆国家,大约位于北纬3度至15度,东经33度至48度之间。 UN...