Welcome to urbanana, a crescent of creative cities that form the backbone of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which borders the Netherlands and Belgium. Its friendly inhabitants invite you to visit, settle or even start a business.
More weather in Germany Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 6 13 / 5 °C 7 6 / 3 °C 8 5 / 1 °C 9 3 / 1 °C 10 3 / -2 °C 11 2 / -2 °C 12 1 / -3 °C 13 1 / -3 °C ...
North Rhine–Westphalia, Land (state) of western Germany. It is bordered by the states of Lower Saxony to the north and northeast, Hessen to the east, and Rhineland-Palatinate to the south and by the countries of Belgium to the southwest and the Netherla
More weather in Germany Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 20 21 View historic weather 22 8 / -2 °C 23 7 / 3 °C 24 9 / 4 °C 25 10 / 4 °C 26 6 / 1 °C 27 8 / 1 °C
Germany, North Rhine-WestphaliaHeidinger, OliverMattauch, VolkmarKajüter, HiltraudKrieg, VolkerHeidrich, JanIARC Scientific Publications
North Rhine-Westphalia [地名] [德国] 北莱茵-威斯特法伦州;例句:1.North rhine-westphalia, germany's most populous state, looked set to holdearly elections after its minority government lost a budget vote.德国人口最多的州北莱茵威斯特法伦州准备在该州少数派政府提出的预算表决被否决后,提前...
网络北威州;北莱因西伐里亚;北莱茵威斯特伐利亚 网络释义 1. 北威州 ...联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产的工业遗迹——位于北威州(North-Rhine Westphalia)的关税同盟(Zolleverein)煤矿及 … eu.616168.net|基于2个网页 2. 北莱因西伐里亚 该地方选举由於人口占了全德国四分之一,被视为民意风向球,在北莱...
12/4 德国人口最多的省North Rhine-Westphalia将限制农民使用氮肥,政府要求他们把氮肥的使用量降至现在的20%,这势必会让农作物减产和质量下降!这措施将推广到德国各省。 和荷兰DS政府如出一辙,德国政府的目...
north rhine-westphalia 北威州;北莱茵威斯特伐利亚;北莱茵西伐利亚州 例句 1.On May 9th elections will be held in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populous state.5月9日德国人口最多的州北莱茵威斯特法兰州会进行大选。2.The Land of North-Rhine Westphalia recently resolved to sell ...