Gerke, Julie
Temps have been in the mid eighties. This was my logic for the bait going cold. I don't know much, but I do know this, killing a bear is impossible sitting in an air conditioned house Opening day had me in the stand by 1 pm. Walking into see the bait still un-hit doesn't ...
Previsió del temps local per hores, condicions meteorològiques, precipitació, punt de rosada, humitat, vent de i The Weather Channel.
Here is an example of a typical episode of hysteria about polar ice in 2013:The North Pole is now a lake!It was gullibly accepted by many on the Left, who ignored the rebuttals by scientists.James D. Agresti showsthe long history of mis-reporting melting at the North Pole. Back in 20...
we planted about 30 bulbs and then we had really warm temps and they bloomed earlier than they should have. Again, It was a total surprise what came up, I had no idea what I planted. And then we had a late frost and I had to cover things up, and still lost both my basil plants...
Too Hot: A few Summers ago the middle of July came a blistering heat wave. It was miserable temps close to 100 just at the time that the corn was at the stage of pollination. The heat wave was so intense that it scorched the fragile plant parts necessary to pollinate. Low pollination ...
TIP OF THE WEEK: This one was brought to mind by a question I got asked today in the bait shop. How do I hook up a wax worm, mousee or spike? That's a good one cuz I believe most folks don't do it as effectively as they could. Look at the bug as a chocolate eclair. Woul...