Describes freestone waters of North Platte River in Wyoming. Origin of the freestone section; Abundance of wild rainbow and brown trout in the river upstream; Description of the upper and lower sections of the North Platte R...
You may've heard the news that March 31stWyoming Game and Fish Departmentwill begin the 2022 flushing flow of theNorth Platte RiverfromGray ReefDam with the process going through April 8th. The fluctuation of the flows is enough to remove much of the sediment in the gravel of the spawning ...
The State Line flow monitoring site is a key flow measurement point in the allocation of the natural flow of the North Platte River between waterusers in Wyoming and Nebraska. Currently, discrepancies in discharge measurements at the three sites complicate the administration of the Settlement and ...
Ecosystem diversity and human activity in dry climates depend not just on the magnitude of rainfall, but also on the landscape’s ability to retain water. This is illustrated dramatically in the High Plains of North America, where despite the semi-arid m
Earthquakes far from tectonic plate boundaries generally exploit ancient faults, but not all intraplate faults are equally active. The North American Great Plains exemplify such intraplate earthquake localization, with both natural and induced seismicity
, Nevada , New Hampshire , New Jersey , New Mexico , New York , North Carolina , North Dakota , Ohio , Oklahoma , Oregon , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , South Carolina , South Dakota , Tennessee , Texas , Utah , Vermont , Virginia , Washington , West Virginia , Wisconsin , Wyoming ...
The North Platte River is a critically important resource of central Wyoming and its erosional history is linked to past regional climate conditions. Specific questions investigated in field work near Casper, Wyo., during summer 2012 were the locations and elevations of past channels, relations ...
Wyoming still parched despite recent moisture North Platte River reservoirs may get less than half their normal inflows.Jennifer Frazer
A cross-section survey, tied to the elevation of certain lichen horizons and a calculation of the discharge at this level are used to assess the accuracy of the technique.University of Wyoming.Rawlins, C. L.University of Wyoming.
Wyoming UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Glenn A. Tootle MoserCody LA study of incorporating antecedent (preceding) soil moisture into forecasting streamflow volumes within the North Platte River Basin is presented. By integrating antecedent soil moisture as a predictor to forecast streamflow, processes that ...