Platte普拉特河[美国中部] platte普拉特河[美国中部] northn.[U] 1.北,北方 2.北部,北部地区 3.(美国南北战争时与南方作战的)北部各州、北方 4.北方发达国家(尤指欧洲和北美各国) a. 1.北方的,向北的,北部的 2.北风的 North诺斯(姓氏) rivern.[C] 1.河,江,川;水道 2.巨流;[rivers]大量 a. 河栖...
网络北普拉特河 网络释义 1. 北普拉特河 ...igHornRange).食水是斯威特沃特河,它和北普拉特河(NorthPlatteRiver)汇合流向东北,最后流入密西西比河,归于大海。|基于 1 个网页
North Platte River- a river that rises in northern Colorado and flows northward into Wyoming and then eastward and southeastward through Nebraska where it joins the South Platte to form the Platte River North Platte Centennial State,Colorado,CO- a state in west central United States in the Rocky...
south platte phr. 南普拉特河(发源于美国科罗拉多州中部的河流) soie platte 刺绣丝线 platte river penstemon phr. 蓝钟花属 相似单词 Platte 普拉特河[美国中部] platte 普拉特河[美国中部] north n.[U] 1.北,北方 2.北部,北部地区 3.(美国南北战争时与南方作战的)北部各州、北方 4.北方发达国家(...
Escape the world on the North Platte RiverShauna Stephenson
You may've heard the news that March 31stWyoming Game and Fish Departmentwill begin the 2022 flushing flow of theNorth Platte RiverfromGray ReefDam with the process going through April 8th. The fluctuation of the flows is enough to remove much of the sediment in the gravel of the spawning ...
North Platte 美 英 un.北普拉特河(在美国科罗拉多,怀俄明与内布拉斯加三州之间) 网络北普雷特;内布拉斯加州北普拉特;北普拉特市 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 北普拉特河(在美国科罗拉多,怀俄明与内布拉斯加三州之间)
The river-reservoir interface (RRI) provides dynamic habitat heterogeneity that influences fish communities within the reservoir and the tributary upstream. However, little is known about the North Platte River-Lake McConaughy interface. Thus, the objectives of this research were to: 1) describe fish...
North Platte North Platte River North polar distance North Polar Region North Pole North preceding North Rhine-Westphalia North Riding North River North Saskatchewan North Saskatchewan River North Sea North Sea gas North Sea oil north side North Slope North Somerset North Star North Star State North ...
Describes freestone waters of North Platte River in Wyoming. Origin of the freestone section; Abundance of wild rainbow and brown trout in the river upstream; Description of the upper and lower sections of the North Platte R...