The Warehouse Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui Typically responds within 4 days All applicants for this position should have either NZ residency or a valid NZ work Visa. Here for Good Leave: To do good in your community you'll have one day… More... View similar jobs with this employer ...
Airport information for Palmerston North (NZPM) in , including runways, map, navaids, weather (METAR/TAF) and ATC frequencies. For flight simulation use only.
- Palmerston North New Zealand - Palmerston NorthNew Zealand - Palmerston NorthInternational Pacific College
英文名称:Palmerston North International Airport 机场四字码:NZPM 国家/地区:新西兰(New Zealand) 时区:UTC/GMT+11 所属区域:马纳瓦图 - 旺加努伊大区(Manawatu-Wanganui Region)-北帕莫斯顿(Palmerston North) 海关机场:是 详细地址:Box 4384, Palmerston North Int′l Airport, Palmerston North, 4442, NEW ZEALA...
Palmerston North Airport(北帕莫斯顿机场)位于Australia and Pacific新西兰北帕莫斯顿,经度:-40.32,纬度:175.614,IATA Code(三字码)是PMR, ICAO Code(四字码)是NZPM。北帕默斯顿机场(IATA:PMR,ICAO:NZPM)最初称为Mils...。
He Ara Kotahi, Palmerston North's riverside pathway Where to go and what to see in Palmerston North Mixing urban fun with outdoorsy adventures is easy in Manawatu. You'll find accommodation in and around the city centre, or you can choose a farmstay, Airbnb or lodge in the countryside. ...
Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai 8885.5 Miles from Palmerston North Arab Health 2025, the intersection of cutting-edge technologies, revolutionary concepts, and healthcare experts, is reshaping the healthcare landscape. Engage in discussions on the most advanced innovations,... TradeshowMedical & Pharma...
北帕默斯顿国敦酒店 (Copthorne Hotel Palmerston North) 110 Fitzherbert Avenue, 西区, 北帕默斯顿, 新西兰, 4410-查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于北帕默斯顿西区的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮选择。 离开前,别忘了探访知名的北帕默斯顿机场。 这家...
北帕默斯顿(简称北帕)是新西兰第六大城市,人口将近八万人,北帕是新西兰梅西大学的本部所在地,学生比例很高,城市呈年轻化,自称为“学生之城”。 Palmy是北帕人民对自己的昵称,显然,除了想摆脱与帕默斯顿之间的暧昧关系外,这个昵称显得更加年轻,更加亲和,更加符合这个城市的气质,或许用不了多久北帕就会正式更名为Palmy...
北帕默斯頓國敦飯店 (Copthorne Hotel Palmerston North)星級評等4星 飯店 星級評等4星 住宿亮點 24小時皆可入住 9.1地點超優 110 Fitzherbert Avenue, 西區, 北帕莫斯頓, 馬納瓦圖-旺格努伊, 紐西蘭, 4410 停車服務免費 Pak N Save100 mPost Office320 mSquare Edge Community Arts C...