The sun is our outer most self—it’s vibrant and joyful. When the sun conjuncts our north node, a person might experience a little more luck, things might fall in place easier, or you might be in the limelight, as the sun loves to be the center of attention (and our solar sys...
North Node work is most relevant; that’s the house it’s in. Read about all the expressions of that house. Now you know what and where—look next to see if there are planets conjunct either the North or South Node and read about what those planets mean—throw them into the alchemical...
Interestingly, a North Node conjunction North Node indicates that the opposite point, the South Node is also conjunct. Typically your South Node point (directly opposite from the North Node) indicates your comfort zone. Any conjunction to this point indicates patterns you are habituated to, and of...
在所有星體都處於順行、冥王再次踏足水瓶下,2月展開了一遍全新氣象(當然,還有農曆新年必定上演的水瓶新月!),包括每約10多年才有一次的凱龍合相北交點! 凱龍合相北交在白羊. . . 和更多! 如已是本網站的金鑽或銀鑽贊助人,請在此頁頂部登入,以瀏覽這篇「星象通訊」全文。如何成為贊助人?為何值得參加?請按下...