USE YOUR NORTH NODE - IT IS ONE OF THE MOST SENSITIVE POINTS IN YOUR CHART! e-Book - Understanding and Using Your North and South NodeThe North Node is a powerful point in your Natal Chart. It can help you get to the place that you desire with the greatest of ease. BUT, you have...
True Node enters Sagittarius Mar 20, 2031 7:31 PM, True Node enters Scorpio Dec 1, 2032 11:40 PM, True Node enters Libra Jun 3, 2034 1:25 PM, True Node enters Virgo Nov 30, 2035 2:27 AM, True Node enters Leo May 29, 2037 6:52 AM, True Node enters Cancer Feb 9, 2039 11...
they can also hold us back and manifest as challenges. Too much emphasis on our south node traits and behaviors can cause us to live in the past—and comes at the expense of further developing our north node qualities. The nodes are calls to action and have us asking the larger, deeper...
and often mastered. On a macro, worldly scale, the North Node represents the Higher direction of the collective—what the collective is working on mastering as a whole; and the South Node represents
as well as the potent Uranus transits in the charts of President Obama (Venus 1Cancer47), the US (IC unconfirmed at 1Aries53), Robert Gates (Sun/Neptune 1Libra44/47), David Petraeus (Sun 15Scorpio14, Node 16Aquarius58, Jupiter 16Taurus00), and Richard Holbrooke (South Node 1Aries37,...